Services Architecture

Services are the foundation of the application architecture. A service is basically an object that provides some reusable functionality, like sending mails, storing data, rendering, etc. Services are the way that third-party libraries are plugged into the application also.


Services are powered by the Zend Framework 2 ServiceManager component and we decide that a best practice is to use only invokables and factories. Using a magic to resolve services dependencies via some DI container isn’t implemented, because with large projects it becomes messy and slow.


An invokable service is a class that may be called like an ordinary function, or may not. It depends on its interface, but for a sake we call them all invokables, if they doesn’t have a constructor dependencies.

class MyInvokableService
    public function __invoke()


    public function someServiceMethod()


Adding and accessing an invokable service via application.

// lazy loading

/** @var MyInvokableService $service */
$service = $app->get(MyInvokableService::class);

Registering an invokable service via application config.

use WebinoAppLib\Feature\Service;

    new Service(MyInvokableService::class),

Service Factory

In case when we want to create a complex service with dependencies, it is required to create a factory.

use WebinoAppLib\Factory\AbstractFactory;

class MyServiceFactory extends AbstractFactory
    protected function create()
        return new MyService;

Adding and accessing a service created by factory via application.

// lazy loading
$app->set(MyService::class, MyServiceFactory::class);

/** @var MyService $service */
$service = $app->get(MyService::class);

Registering a service created by factory via application config.

use WebinoAppLib\Feature\Service;

    new Service(MyService::class, MyServiceFactory::class),

Core Services

Core services are available even before an application bootstrap, but the configuration is not fully initialized and write enabled. They are registered into the core section of the application configuration.

use WebinoAppLib\Feature\CoreService;

    // invokable
    new CoreService(MyInvokableService::class),
    // factory
    new CoreService(MyService::class, MyServiceFactory::class),