Application Debugging

Debugger Interface


Accessing debugger service.

/** @var \WebinoAppLib\Service\DebuggerInterface $debugger */
$debugger = $app->getDebugger();


Dumping information about a variable in readable format.


Returning output instead of printing it.

$output = $app->debug($var, true);


Dumping information about a variable into Tracy debugger bar.






Setting information into Tracy debugger bar System info panel.

$app->debug()->setBarInfo('Test Label 01', 'Test Value01');
// or as array
$app->debug()->setBarInfo(['Test Label 02' => 'Test Value02']);


Setting custom debugger panel into Tracy bar.

/** @var \WebinoAppLib\Debugger\Bar\AbstractPanel $panel */
// or with an optional name
$app->debug()->setBarPanel($panel, 'myDebugBarPanel');

Debugger Config


Configuring debugger bar info.

use WebinoConfigLib\Feature\DebugBarInfo;

    new DebugBarInfo([
        'Custom Info 01' => 'Custom Info Value 01',
        'Custom Info 02' => 'Custom Info Value 02',


Configuring debugger bar panel.

use WebinoAppLib\Feature\DebugBarPanel;

    // invokable
    new DebugBarPanel('myPanel', MyPanel::class),
    // service factory
    new DebugBarPanel('myPanel', MyPanel::class, MyPanelFactory::class),