Configuration Architecture

The configuration is an efficient way how to prepare your application for a dispatch. It may be cached, and almost everything will be configured in a lazy style, on demand.

Configuration is basically a multidimensional array. Writing arrays in PHP is a little hell, because without a documentation we don’t know what to type, so configurators are introduced.



Do not forget to enable a configuration cache, it will speed up your application.

use WebinoConfigLib\Feature\ConfigCacheEnabled;

    new ConfigCacheEnabled,

Configuration Features

Configurators are used to generate array configurations for large PHP applications. With them, you can generate array configuration in the OOP way. Everything is config and config can contain features. Feature is a fragment of a pluggable configuration.

You can create your config features like this:

use WebinoConfigLib\Feature\AbstractFeature;

class MyFeature extends AbstractFeature
    public function __construct($argOne, $argTwo)
            'some_settings' => [
                'anything' => ['foo' => $argOne, 'bar' => $argTwo],

then when you create a configuration:

use WebinoConfigLib\Config;

$config = new Config([
    new MyFeature('OPTION_ONE', 'OPTION_TWO'),


it will produce an array:

    'some_settings' => [
        'anything' => ['foo' => 'OPTION_ONE', 'bar' => 'OPTION_TWO'],

Now you should get the main idea what the configuration feature is.

Application Configuration

We can add or remove a feature from the config easily:

    new ExampleFeatureOne,
    new ExampleFeatureTwo('DEFAULT_OPTION'),

adding another feature and changing the option:

    new ExampleFeatureOne,
    new ExampleFeatureTwo('MY_OPTION'),
    new ExampleFeatureThree,

Calling a method on a configuration feature is easy:

    (new ExampleFeatureFoo('ANY_OPTION'))

So we can produce very complex configuration on a couple of lines.

Services Configuration

With services configuration we can register invokables and factories to the application service manager.

use WebinoAppLib\Feature\Service;

    // registering invokable
    new Service(MyInvokableService::class),
    // invokable with alias
    new Service(['MyInvokableAlias' => MyInvokableService::class]),
    // registering service factory
    new Service(MyService::class, MyServiceFactory::class),
    // service with alias using factory
    new Service('MyServiceAlias', MyServiceFactory::class),

Listeners Configuration

We can configure an application listeners bindings.

use WebinoAppLib\Feature\Listener;

    // registering invokable listener
    new Listener(MyInvokableListener::class),
    // with alias
    new Listener(['MyListenerAlias' => MyInvokableListener::class]),
    // registering listener using factory
    new Listener(MyListener::class, MyListenerFactory::class),
    // listener alias using factory
    new Listener(['MyListenerAlias' => MyListener::class], MyListenerFactory::class),

Core Configuration

Services and listeners that should be available before application is fully configured must be registered into the core section of a configuration.

use WebinoAppLib\Feature\CoreListener;
use WebinoAppLib\Feature\CoreService;

    // registering a core service
    new CoreService(MyInvokableService::class),
    // registering a core listener
    new CoreListener(MyInvokableListener::class),